Tuesday 9 October 2012

Day 9: Finish What You Start

I'm starting to realize that, even if you start a project for fun, if you don't finish it and you kinda just leave it for a really long time? It still nags at the back of your mind, same as if it were for work, or anything else. I guess when I start projects for fun I sort of expect them to take a really really long time, so I end up leaving them unfinished for a while, until I have a huge chunk of time to work on them.

One project that I started recently was that I decided to make new throw pillows for my couches. When my husband and I got married and moved into our new house we didn't really have a lot of furniture so most of what we have was given to us by family members who no longer needed those pieces anymore. I really like all of the furniture we have been given, which is pretty lucky, but I don't really feel like I had a big part in designing what my living room especially looks like at all. Making the throw pillows was kind of a way to put my own touch on the living room, and it also sounded like a really fun DIY!

My couches are like an eggplant/plum purple colour, so I tried to find a good colour to go with that, and I really liked like a light yellow or goldenrod kind of colour. I went down to the fabric store and found this amazing fabric on sale! I think this pattern is called "Queen Anne's Lace" and I just love it!

I decided to give up on finding a 'big chunk of time' for making the pillows, and just sort of worked on them today whenever I had more than 10 minutes. I got most of the pieces cut out and pinned for all of the pillows and now I'm just going to sew them together in the morning! I'm really excited to get them on the couches.

I got one of the pillows finished and I couldn't help but put it on the couch to see how it looked. The two pillows on the left are the ones that came with the couches, and then I switched out the ones on the right for the new pillow. I really like how it looks! It was a pretty inexpensive way to kind of update the look of the couches.

I'm really surprised too at how much I was able to get done today just by working here and there when I had a minute, like, while I waited for supper to finish baking and such. I think I'm going to try to remember that I generally have more time than I think.

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